Local & International Searches & Clearance

A great brand can be key to your business success and greatly increase the value of your assets. However, use of a brand can also have significant practical and legal repercussions if it is generic, or similar to other brands that already exist in the marketplace. Even worse, your brand could be infringing on another third-party brand owner’s rights if you haven’t done your due diligence.

We offer a number of brand clearance packages that have been strategically designed to assist you to make informed decisions at all stages of the brand development process.

Our name search & clearance services include:

  • Basic Knock-Out Search: we vet your short-list of names and offer a streamlined opinion, searching the Australian Trade Marks Register to pick up identical trade marks;
  • Cross-Market Knock-Out Search: we search your proposed brand names on trade mark and domain registers around the world, and compare viability in an easy-to-digest report;
  • Comprehensive Clearance Search: we delve deep into a proposed brand name, assessing whether it is available for use, free of any encumbrance, third party complaint in all relevant jurisdictions. We look to registered and unregistered uses of your intended brand name, and consider visual, aural and phonetic similarities to identify closely resemblant names that may poste a threat;
  • Translation & Transliteration: we work with a network of registered trade mark professionals around the globe. They offer a professional as well as colloquial assessment of the translation and meaning of your proposed name, in order to pick up any unintended issues prior to registration.

Before you invest valuable time, money, and resources in the brand you love, utilise our Brand Clearance tool to receive an early opinion on the likelihood of obtaining trade mark protection and risks presented by existing similar brands in all key markets of interest.

Use our Brand Clearance tool to obtain our initial feedback.