Naming Advice

Choosing a name that will aptly represent you, your business, and your product and service offering is an important creative challenge. However, not all brand names are created equal.

A brand name offers the greatest commercial benefit by being registrable as a trade mark and exclusively owned by you. The creative naming process should therefore be conducted in conjunction with an initial trade mark assessment.

We are experts on trade mark registrability and work with brands to explore the registration potential for proposed brand names.

We work collaboratively with you as a business owner, as well as your branding agency, to offer practical guidance on the types of brand names that should be explored further and what should be avoided.

Our holistic approach to trade mark naming and due diligence helps you avoid the heartbreak of investing in a brand you love, only to find it is automatically not registrable as a trade mark based on its makeup.

Contact us for more information on our naming advice and searching services.